Ilse Aichinger, 1948 Lilly Axster Katherine Klinger Conversations Hannah Arendt, 1950 Hannah Fröhlich Nicola Lauré al-Samarai Conversations Simone de Beauvoir, 1949 Dagmar Fink Tom Holert Conversations Billie Holiday, 1939 Jamika Ajalon Rúbia Salgado Conversations Adrian Piper, 1983 Belinda Kazeem Anna Kowalska Conversations Yvonne Rainer, 1990 Monika Bernold Shirley Tate Conversations
Conzepte book now available in German
Award Schönste Bücher Österreichs
Published with zaglossus
Exklusiv in der Buchausgabe:
Dominik Kamalzadeh /
Gegenüberstellung als Selbstbefragung
Antke Engel /
Den Raum zwischen Antagonismus und Ambivalenz ausloten
Nicola Lauré al-Samarai und Jo Schmeiser /
This Is Not a Conversation
Jo Schmeiser /
Nachworte : Nachbilder : Nachwirkungen
Photographs of the authors and editors
portrayed by Octavian Trauttmansdorff and Jasmin Trabichler
This is the end
Conzepte was a text-based art project. Socio-critical works by artists, theorists, and activists were presented in a new, experimental form. Two writers related to a historical source text and linked it with their own thinking in the present. The texts were published simultaneously in international print media. Conzepte cooperated with the Austrian daily newspaper Der Standard, the German weekly der Freitag, the international art magazine springerin, the Vienna journal MALMOE and the Berlin music magazine MISSY. |